
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Music and Life

Music seems to be a powerful memory cue for some people especially for me. Songs has a power to bring previous memories and events in mind. Some books have this power too. For me every old song is linked with a specific memory or a person of my life. Music and some books can induce nostalgia more quickly and easily. Music is an important part of my life. No no, I’m not a singer; I don’t know ‘sa re ga ma pa’ even (I’m a good bathroom singer though!! He he he). But still without melodies my life would be totally empty. I love listening music while on my way to office or office to home, or in midnight when everyone is deep asleep. Listening to different melodies or tunes helps me de-stress and relax. Oh yes, music also motivates me in my trying times.

Sometimes in life people grieve. People feel all kinds of emotions. Music is almost an emotion in itself. In my eyes music can be an escape for a minute or two. It can be for however long you desire. Music has been called a way of life for certain human beings. Somehow, it has made such a large influence on the world. I can think of many instances where music has impacted someone’s life in some significant way in fact I’m also an example of it.. It may be something such as a big decision, or even a small predicament. Musicians have the advantage of touching people with their lyrics or music; a gift some people will never be able to give as well, but most people have the chance to listen to the feeling and conviction put into musician’s work. Some of us have musical talent and others don’t, but those who do can share their emotions through an expression, so to speak. The way music affects our everyday lives can be almost incomprehensible at times. 

Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of
entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without music.

For now, here are some soothing and of course my favorite music...happy listening!!!

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